Community Involvement

TMart is passionate about building lasting relationships within the community to support our neighbors and guests

Santa Claus is Coming to Dunkin'

Several of our Dunkin' locations reached out to Santa and he made time in his busy schedule to visit with our teams and guests!  This past weekend Stoughton and Mequon both hosted events with Santa that were a HUGE hit with their local communities.  This upcoming weekend, Santa will again be at Stoughton, as well as Steven's Point and Appleton!

Local Dunkin' Offers Guests Chance to Pay it Forward - Homeless a Free Meal

Team Park Street in Madison, Wisconsin, under the leadership of Missy Beardsley has started an ingenious effort to allow guests to pay it forward.  Guests can add on items to their order that others in need can then redeem in store.  Missy's passion not only resonates with the staff at Park Street, but also the guests, who donated over 25 meals to people in need in just the first 10 days.  “It’s important to know that these people have a back-ground, they have a story,” she said of Madison’s homeless. “To me, it’s important to help as much as I can.”

Rice Lake, WI Polar Plunge

The Team at Rice Lake is excited to have attended their local Polar Plunge event. While Coney was unable to attend, they were able to bring Sprinkles to support the Special Olympics of Wisconsin as well as bring some joy to those participating.

Pastries with Panthers

Our Eau Claire Dunkin' and Baskin-Robbins locations partnered with Putnum Heights Elementary school for their Pastries with Panthers event. Dunkin' provided donuts and munchkins for the event, along with coupons and fun donut themed items for the kids. Students were able to bring an adult to join them for this breakfast.

Baskin-Robbins Joy In Childhood Foundation Supports Miracle League of Dane County

The Baskin-Robbins Joy in Childhood Foundation just donated $5,000 to the Miracle League of Dane County!  The team in Cottage Grove started sponsoring the Miracle League of Dane County when they opened, and were excited to be able to nominate them for this grant.  The money donated will help the Miracle League bring Joy to children by ensuring everyone has a chance to play baseball, no matter their physical or cognitive challenges.  That joy can be seen in the smiles, fun, inspiration, self confidence, hope and determination shown by the athletes every day!  Thank you to the Miracle League of Dane County for all that you do in our community!